A large force of armsmen of House Casterly, led by Lord Tarquil Casterly, march on the Craven House, attacking any Tunnocks they meet. A running street battle ensued as the Tunnocks hack their way through the Casterlys towards the Great Canal Gate....
Some isolated Tunnocks are attacked at the Sword of Brass - a particularly seedy dive. Lord Tarquil can be seen in the midst of the fray.
More Tunnocks arrive,finding their fellows cut down, they realise they have to get past the Casterlys to get out of the City. Some head off on a different route to flank the Casterlys....
A lone Tunnock makes his stand, cut off from his cousins. A common fate today for the sons of the North...
The Tunnocks leap a canal to escape, Murdo son of Mungo turns and buys time for the rest.....
Casterlys close in from all directions, dashing through the Great Bazaar and along the side of the Floating Market (where a few Tunnock weapons are already being sold, one err careful owner?)
The last axe swinging Tunnock is engulfed by a horde of Casterlys and Blackcloaks.....
This was a nasty little game, inspired by the narco ambush in the backstreets in "Clear & Present Danger", played out purely to see if GW LOTR figures could look Game Of Thrones eneough or at least sufficiently non LOTR for my purposes. I think the answer is YES.
I used "IN HER MAJESTY'S NAME" - whch is a Victorian set of rules but has axes, chainmail, plate, all the stuff my figures had and I rather think it worked. I decided that as more Tunnocks were cut down, the "Pluck" of the survivors would increase - reflecting desperation and a hint of northern stroppiness. In fact, Murdo Tunnock was actually still standing at the end of the game - he proved unkillable. He is now a Named Man of the North and a bitter foe of the southern jessies of House Casterly.
Just why has Lord Tarquil committed such a heinous act? Is it just because he has a goatee?
And will the North Remember? All this will be answered, probably quicker than we'll find out if Jon Snow if really alive, dead or turned into a wolf.